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Jan 01, 2023 Covid update

We ask that you postpone your appointment for at least 5 days following any air travel.
Anytime you have cold and flu symptoms or concerns, we are happy to reschedule. Please call and cancel your scheduled session if you are not feeling well.

Jan 01, 2023 Protocols

Treatment room air is ventilated for at least 30 minutes following each client through one or both of these methods; Open window fresh air and fan; and/or air filter whole room air purifier. Surface disinfection is accomplished using 3% Hydrogen Peroxide with 10 min kill time on all equipment that comes in contact with a client.

Your therapist will wear a mask while working face to face with clients. Masking is not required for clients.
River Stone Massage partners with Alsco to supply unscented, professionally sanitized, steam-cleaned linens, delivered fresh each week.

We continue to choose unscented products whenever possible, and as always, ask that clients avoid body perfumes, strong hair and laundry chemical fragrances prior to their appointment. Your understanding is appreciated.

On May 15, 2020, ABMP (Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals) provided Members with a comprehensive video series detailing the guidelines for proper cleaning and disinfecting in response to this pandemic. ABMP established disinfectant and PPE protocols for the re-opening of in-home licensed/insured massage therapy practices such as River Stone Massage by Cate Clark. Please know that I am committed to keeping up with sensible, applicable, science-based Covid information in order to best protect all our health.

Upon your arrival, a no-touch infrared thermometer will be used to take temperature readings above the skin at the inner elbow or inner wrist. Readings of 100.0 contra-indicate massage and will need to reschedule.

Both client and therapist wear mouth and nose-covering fabric (aka mask) to reduce our intake of airborne bio-mist. I cover my respiration at all times when working in the treatment room, and a mask is worn throughout your session, throughout the 30 minutes preparation before and 40 minutes clean-up after. I also wear a mask when handling linens and doing housekeeping chores in the treatment room.  To wear a respiration filtering mask, greatly reduces the concentration of all airborne micro-organisms. Should the unlikely but possible happen, that novel corona-virus inoculant be left suspended within the treatment room air, it would then be remedied by Ventilation, a full room air-exchange that is standard-procedure after every session at River Stone.

Cancellation Policy is updated to accommodate late cancellations due to simply not feeling 100%. As a courtesy, please give as much advanced notice as possible. If having symptoms of cold or flu please cancel and watch for confirmation response. If you have been traveling out of state, please schedule your massage 14 days out in order to accommodate New Mexico mandated self-quarantine.

You can trust that River Stone Massage will continue our long-standing partnering with Alsco to supply unscented, professionally sanitized, steam-cleaned linens, delivered fresh each week. We continue to choose unscented products as often as possible and as always, ask that clients avoid chemical fragrances prior to their appointment.

CoVid 19 Surface Disinfectant protocols for Massage Therapy in 2020

 In present day CoVid Compliance for Massage Therapy, face cradle is removed and disassembled, then all surfaces of all equipment, components, table, and floor mats are cleaned with Vinegar Soap and water after each session. Surface Disinfection is achieved through 10-min kill time application of chlorine bleach dilution.

Coronavirus Airborne Safety protocols for Massage Therapy in 2020

As the SARS-CoV2 virus is thought to be primarily transmitted through the air, a large fan and big open window are used following each masked treatment session. Presently in mid-October 2020, more doctors and researchers are joining the school of thought that Good Ventilation is Key. To minimize and to reduce the airborne transmission of the novel coronavirus and/or severity of the disease CoVid 19, medical science experts are recommending frequent fresh room air exchange.

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